The Oceania Cyber Security Centre (OCSC) was the brainchild of The Hon. Philip Dalidakis MLC, former Victorian Minister for Innovation. This was partially due to his attending a UK Foreign Office International Leadership Programme in March 2015, where Philip met with Professor Sadie Creese, the Founding Director of the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC) and Professor Michael Goldsmith the current Director of GCSCC.
Philip was impressed with the work that the GCSCC had completed through maturity reviews in the Asian region and believed that there was strategic intent for the Cyber Security Capacity Maturity Model for Nations (CMM) to be deployed further afield in the Pacific and facilitated by a locally based partner consistent with the Commonwealth Cyber Declaration which requires Commonwealth nations to review their cyber maturity through a CMM model.
With the assistance of the Victorian Trade and Investment Office in London, the Victorian Government, the GCSCC, and the then newly formed Data61 along with the eight university members of the OCSC, had agreed to a model which today is known as the OCSC.
The OCSC is on track to deliver 15 CMM reviews in the Pacific by end of 2023.