CMM Ambassador
A/Prof. Gillian Oliver
Connect with Gillian

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Gillian Oliver is Associate Professor of Information Management and leads the Digital Equity & Digital Transformation Group, in the Department of Human Centred Computing, Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University in Australia. Her background in professional practice spanned over twenty years in Europe. In her academic career she led teaching and research into archives and records at Victoria University of Wellington and the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.
Her research interests are motivated by her work experiences in different cultural settings. Her focus is on data cultures, including the information cultures of workplaces and issues relating to the continuity of digital information particularly in development contexts. She has authored four books, as well as many peer reviewed journal, conference papers and book chapters. Her editorial work includes being co-editor-in-chief of the journal Archival Science.
Experience in Practice
She has undertaken many consultancy assignments in the Asia Pacific Region, advising on information management practices at government and non government agencies. In New Zealand she was appointed by the government to the national archival authority’s advisory council.