In mid-2021, the OCSC and APTLD established a collaboration to develop APTLD Cyber Security CS Workshops for Top Level Domain Administrators. The purpose of the workshops is to deliver best practice ccTLD’s Manager cyber security training and awareness, aimed at members in the Asia-Pacific and to be deployed at the APTLD events in late 2021 and continuing throughout 2022.
APTLD (Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association) is an organisation for ccTLD (country-code Top Level Domain) registries in Asia Pacific region. APTLD was originally established in 1998, and in 2003 legally established in Malaysia.
APTLD works as the forum of information exchange regarding technological and operational issues of domain name registries in Asia Pacific region. Also, as an interface to other international Internet coordinating bodies, APTLD fosters and elevates participation of AP ccTLDs in these global fora, as well as acting in the best interest of APTLD members in the global Internet policy making process.