The Centre for Innovative Industries Economic Research Inc. (CIIER) was formed in 2004, with support from the Government of Victoria, to create a repository and think-tank for competently researched, up-to-date, and analysed data on employment, markets, revenue streams, R&D, processes, and management methods, specifically focused on high technology, innovative, and emerging industries ICT and biotechnology.
The CIIER research vision delivers evidence based:
- Policy
- Programs
- Processes
Economic benefits are also derived from social benefit. Too often, policy, programs and processes are adopted or continued without consideration of change to both economic and social analysis.
CIIER produced the Whitehorse ‘Top 250’ ICT Industry Research Report, for 10 years, and the subsequent, ACS ICT Statistical Compendium, which forms the base for The Digital Pulse a joint ACS and Deloitte Access Economics publication.
CIIER reports and data have been cited by, among others: the Gershon report into Federal Government ICT purchasing; IBSA (National ICT Skills Council); Cutler report on Innovation; CSIRO; Australia 3.0 conference; and by ACS, AIIA, Pearcey Foundation, Information Age, CIO, and by many State and Federal Ministers.
In 2016-18 research focus has been upon the creation of the Australian Digital Cities Index (ADCi), and on the economics of health and health innovation. In late 2021, the CIIER and the OCSC established a project collaboration placing OCSC’s university member student interns to conduct a pilot research project to adapt the ADCI and the EDCI methodology in a developing economy environment.