Research Council
Dr Paul Pang
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Dr. Pang is an Associate Professor of cyber security at the School of Engineering, Information Technology and Physical Sciences at Federation University and holds a position as a member of the Research Council at the OCSC. Before joining Federation University, Dr. Pang was a Professor of Data Analytics and Director of Center Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity at the Unitec Institute of Technology in New Zealand.
Dr. Pang has acted as a Principal Investigator for over 13 research grant projects, totalling more than NZD$3.5 million in funding by the Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation, NZ (MBIE), the Ministry for Primary Industries, NZ (MPI), the Health Research Council, NZ (HRC), the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan (NICT), Telecom NZ, Mitsubishi Electric Japan, LuojiaDeyi Technology China, and Lucent & Bell Lab USA.
His main research areas are Cognitive Cyber Security Intelligence, Cyber Resilience, and Applied Data Analytics for Digital Health. He published over 100-refereed articles with international journals and conferences including IEEE TPDS, TSMC-B, TKDE, TNN, Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, IEEE Cloud, IoT, and IEEE/ACM UCC. He had so far 1 patent and filed 3 patent applications with 1 sold to a NZ company.
Dr. Pang has received many awards of distinction including IEEE ICNNSP Best Paper Award (2003), IEEE DMAI Best Paper Award (2008), Unitec FCBI Research Excellency Award (2011-2012), Unitec FCBI Executive Dean Award (2012), Unitec Award for Meeting the Needs of Communities (2012), Unitec FCBI Research Excellency Award (2014), and Unitec Research with Impact Award (2015).
Dr. Pang is a Senior Member of IEEE, the Event Editor of Neural Network Journal Elsevier, the Vice President of Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS), a Global Judge for the 2018 AI summit London, and an Australian Research Council (ARC) Assessor for National Competitive Grant Program.