Commercial Manager Consultant
James Joynson
Connect with James

James Joynson’s career originally started in IT Support and Contractual Negotiation, naturally making its way into Finance. He has over 25 years of experience in managing the most complex of environments and projects of national and international significance.
With this unique background, James’s achievements have been vast and have seen him become a trusted professional and ally to many of his clients. This is particularly the case in the Telecommunication, Defence and Security areas. His broad background equips James with a deep understanding of Telecommunications exchanges to Computer Communication Command Control Intelligence and Reconnaissance, as well a raft of other security systems and with James’s professional approach a topic can be raised with him and dealt with expeditiously.
James acts as the Commercial Manager for the OCSC, and he is registered with the Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA), Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and has extensive exposure to public funding and private enterprise.