The Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC) launched in 2014 as an outcome of the London Process and is one of three partners in the ‘Global Constellation’ of which the OCSC and the Cybersecurity Capacity Centre for Southern Africa (C3SA) are a part of.
Based at the University of Oxford, the GCSCC is a leading international centre for research on cyber security capacity building and promoting the impact of cyber security capacity building initiatives across the world.
In a global consultation process with leading academics and cyber security experts, the GCSCC created the Cybersecurity Capacity Maturity Model for Nations (CMM), a first-of-its-kind model to review cyber security capacity maturity across five areas which aim to enable nations to self-assess, benchmark, better plan investments and national cyber security strategies, and set priorities for capacity development so that governments and enterprises can adopt policies and make investments that have the potential to significantly enhance safety and security in cyberspace, while also respecting core human rights’ values and interests, such as privacy and freedom of expression.
Funded by the UK Government, and by working with key stakeholders internationally, the GCSCC and the independently operated and separately funded ‘Global Constellation’ partners successfully deploy the CMM within their respective regions to provide an evidenced-based baseline for participating nations to inform best practice governance, policy making and multi-facet planning.