
The cornerstone for strong foundations

Established to encourage and facilitate research and other activities focused on identifying and solving key cyber security issues in Australia and abroad, the OCSC possesses a network of rich and diverse expertise covering all dimensions of cyber security.

This network enables the OCSC to rapidly deploy experts on projects as they arise, while ensuring the highest quality for every piece of work conducted.


Advancing Australia’s cyber security education and skills

Through its internships and casual work opportunities, the OCSC provides Australia’s future cyber security leaders and workers with training opportunities that both nurture and grow individual talent, skills, and confidence, and add to the cyber security capacity talent pool of Australia.

With an ambition to work with partner nations and the international community on identified cyber security capacity gaps, this hands-on project-based training led by OCSC’s senior experts not only provides students with national and regional working exposure, but it also allows the centre to scale to demand.

The OCSC business model for training is a capacity building pathway that favours all parties involved.