READ: OCSC researchers explore how the P4C can create a more cyber-resilient Pacific, and what it means for the region

OCSC is pleased to share an article released by OCSC Research and Capacity Team members, Joe Fulwood and James Boorman, through the Development Policy Centre’s DevPolicy Blog.

The article explores their reflections on the inaugural Pacific Cyber Capacity Building and Coordination Conference (P4C), which was proudly organised by OCSC in 2023 in collaboration with the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) Pacific Hub at the invitation of the Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP).

The article presents the P4C Outcomes Report as a key output of the P4C, with reflections on the methodology and generation of the report, and the potential impact of the Report and the wider coordination that events such as P4C and mechanisms such as the PBP can bring to the Pacific.

Read the full article: here